We believe in a world connected by healthier and happier relationships

Communication, trust, quality time and purpose. At Bond Touch we are creating the tools you need to enrich your relationship and find your balance.

Pioneers in emotional wearables

We create emotional wearables to facilitate touch and connection across any distance. The app and services that come with our products, provide the intimate space relationships need to have fun, learn and grow. We're continually innovating to bring you new products, and help you to create happy and healthy bonds.

Love is always worth fighting for

Our Mission in numbers

12067 KM

Longest distance recorded
between two users

1M Users

Connected people with
their special someone

2,5M Touches

Total of touches sent
weekly by our users

Shared growth

The team

At Bond Touch we're not only user centric but team centric, and so we aim to foster a happy and healthy place to work as well. Founded and led by Kwame Ferreira, Bond Touch is the product of a team effort intersecting many different people and countries.